Geocosmic Rex

Looks like the maverick geologist Randall Carlson was right. The evidence was pretty damn good, but many in the mainstream geology had a hard time accepting it for some dumb reason. Ice Age Floods, catastrophe and climate change, mythology and symbolism, asteroids and comets, the search for the Holy Grail and Atlantis. Embark on a journey of learning as we open the vault of. The Media Kitchen is a web/internet design development and consulting firm with over 20 years of experience. Passionate about great design, elegant technical solutions, and great user experiences. If you find this interesting I would suggest checking out some of Randall Carlson's lectures on youtube or google 'geocosmic rex' or 'sacred geometry international' More posts from the woahdude community. Posted by 1 day ago.

A revolutionary new understanding of the Earth history began to emerge in the closing decades of the Twentieth Century. This new vision entails the realization that Earth is an intrinsic part of a cosmic environment and that events and conditions beyond the limits of the terrestrial domain have played a decisive role in determining the progression of life on Earth. But it also carries far-reaching implications for the future of Man and civilization on this planet, in that it is now realized that at least some of the interactions between the Earth and the cosmos are profoundly catastrophic. There is no exaggeration whatsoever in employing the term ‘catastrophic’ to describe the extreme alterations of Earth’s ecological and environmental balance that have repeatedly taken place over the lifespan of our planet. The reality of extreme environmental catastrophes has now been scientifically documented beyond equivocation. However, the implications of this new insight into the workings of Nature has so far managed to escape the attention of the vast majority of humanity, including those scientists, professionals and policy makers who should be heeding the portentous warnings clearly conveyed by the ever growing mass of new data and evidence.

In conjunction with this emergent understanding of Earth’s catastrophic history is the realization that Human history on Earth, its culture and civilization, is far older and richer, and far more profound than recognized by mainstream scholars and scientists only a generation ago. Ancient Man, it now appears, was far more culturally and scientifically sophisticated than the stereotypical Paleolithic primitive even recently envisioned by anthropological orthodoxy. Allied with this recognition of ancient achievement is the growing appreciation of the extreme antiquity of modern homo sapiens on Earth.

Geocosmic rex youtube

While the prevailing view of the past holds that history began in the Middle East around 5,000 years ago, it should be bourn in mind that modern humans appear to have occupied this planet for at least 150,000 years. It is becoming increasingly likely that the true history of man on Earth is far deeper and more complex than recognized up to now by established interpretations of prehistory.

Geocosmic Rex
Yes we are on YouTube! Find the Brothers of the Serpent podcast playlist at the link above.

We exist on YouTube thanks to the tireless efforts of listener HistoryShift. Check out his website, linked above, for updates on his explorations of strange geology in Montana. He even provides coordinates to the places he finds, so you can go see them too! Follow him on Twitter, @HistoryShift

Geocosmic Rex Twitter

This excellent YouTube channel is maintained by Brad, who has been working with Randall Carlson for over 22 years. Look no further if you want All the Randall You Can Handle!

This is the podcast we do with Randall Carlson and Brad. The videos are available on Geocosmic Rex as well, but the channel linked above has the full length, unedited versions.

Geocosmic Rex Youtube

This guy makes videos of him drawing in real time that you can watch along with our podcast audio. He also doodles along with Where did the Road Go, Conspirinormal, The C-Word Podcast and others. Check it out, and follow him on twitter for other graphical goodies! @Poddoodles.

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